From photographic mise-en-scène to the scenic design of living spaces. A close study of 19th century royal palaces in Tehran

Conférence d'Hajar Anvar (3e cycle)
In visual art, space refers to areas around, between, or within components. The depicted space in photography, however, refers to a petrified space, which is cut off from a 'real', physically perceived world, and is limited to a frame. As a fragmented frame and timeless reproduction, the internal space of a photograph nevertheless conveys a kind of authenticity stemming from its original 'real' expanse, an authenticity which origin is to be found in the history of photography. In a close analysis of royal photographs of the late nineteenth century in Tehran, this study examines the possibilities of the counter effect of the photographic practice of mise-en-scène on spatial configuration and construction of scenic designed living spaces.
Répondante : Aseman Sabet
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Les conférences Hypothèses proposent une série de rencontres autour des recherches menées par les étudiants des cycles supérieurs en histoire de l'art au Département d'histoire de l'art et d'études cinématographiques de l'Université de Montréal. Hypothèses a lieu un mardi par mois, de septembre 2013 à avril 2014.
Emplacement : Université de Montréal - Carrefour des arts et des sciences