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Invitation | Présentation de Linda L. Putnam

LINDA L. PUTNAM, professeure en communication
à l’Université de Californie à Santa Barbara (UCSB)

Mercredi, le 15 décembre 2021

de 14 h à 16 h
Au Pavillon Marie-Victorin, salle B-259

Sociomateriality and Paradoxical Knots

Résumé (présentation en anglais)

The majority of research on organizational paradox treats tensions and contradictions as either inherent in social systems OR as socially constructed through actors’ sensemaking, discourse, and social interactions. Rejecting this dichotomy, this talk posits a performative view of paradox rooted in the dialectical interplay of sociomaterial actions. Paradoxes then arise from sociomaterial performances in which the doing materializes tensions. This talk, based on a forthcoming book, examines discursive repertoires as packages of sociomaterial performances and multiple tensions that become interwoven into knots. Using examples from Trump’s leadership, it explores how sociomateriality moderates and mitigates the interplay of knotted tensions in three interrelated paradoxes: authenticity, democracy, and social media. 

Pour plus d’informations sur Linda L. Putnam : 


Emplacement : Au Pavillon Marie-Victorin, salle B-259