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Conférence du Professeur Tom Fyles (Victoria)

Titre :  Dissipative Assembly of Membrane Transport Systems.

La conférence sera prononcée par le professeur Tom Fyles du Département de chimie de l'University of Victoria. Elle sera donnée en anglais. 

Résumé : Living creatures - people, plants, bacteria - have two key characteristics: we continually consume energy, and we burn that energy to maintain our functions via the organized structures of our cells. Coupling energy flow to maintain structure, described as dissipative assembly, allows our cells to perform myriad functions under conditions remote from equilibrium. Inspired by nature, supramolecular chemists have had considerable success in creating self-assembled and functional structures near equilibrium. This seminar will discuss our recent efforts to create transport systems that are away from equilibrium and therefore are dissipative; they consume energy, self-assemble to an ion-transporting structure, cease to function when the energy input is consumed, and revive when fed. 

Information supplémentaire

Emplacement : Université de Montréal - Pavillon Roger-Gaudry