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Why China cannot rise peacefully?

La conférence se donnera en anglais.

There is good reason to think China’s rise will be the most important development in world politics during the 21st century. America is now the dominant great power in the Asia-Pacific region, and it is often a jealous god. That raises the question : is a powerful China likely to clash with the United States ? Moreover, can a rising China live peacefully with its neighbors, including Japan, India, and Vietnam ? Mearsheimer will argue that, if China’s economic growth continues, it will build much more powerful military forces than it now has and attempt to dominate Asia the way the United States dominates the Western Hemisphere. However, the United States and China’s neighbors will go to great lengths to contain China and prevent it from becoming a regional hegemon—leading to an intense security competition in the Asia-Pacific region, with the ever-present danger of war.

Emplacement : Université de Montréal - Carrefour des arts et des sciences