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/ Faculté des arts et des sciences

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Workshop : Network Dynamics

Instructor : Thomas Grund, who is currently a post-doctoral researcher at CICC and works on issues around social networks, social dynamics and analytical sociology. Thomas studied computer science and sociology at University of Trier (Diplom), University of Cambridge (MPhil) and University of Oxford (DPhil). Before coming to Quebec, he held positions at ETH Zurich and Nuffield College in Oxford.

Cet atelier sera offert en anglais.


The empirical study of social network dynamics and emergence of social structures is currently receiving considerable attention. For example, novel actor-oriented modeling strategies that can be used to study how network structures evolve dramatically change the way scholars assess the social world.

Investigating the dynamics of change in networks or networks at different points in time can give insights into how networks work and what the underlying mechanisms are. This workshop gives an introduction to advanced statistical methods for the analysis of network dynamics. Topics include multilevel discrete-time event history analysis, relational event analysis and stochastic actor- oriented network models (SIENA). The workshop covers the theoretical foundation of these methods, but also gives hands-on instructions and examples for performing such analyses.

Throughout the workshop we use the software R. Prior knowledge of R is not required, but it is an advantage.

Information et prérequis

Ouvert à tous. Réservation requise avant le 26 novembre 2013.

Atelier présenté par le Centre international de criminologie comparée

Emplacement : Université de Montréal - Carrefour des arts et des sciences