Encarnación Postigo Pinazo (Universidad de Malaga) - Tele-interpreting in healthcare services

Professeure titulaire, Département de traduction et d'interprétation, Université de Malaga
Tele-interpreting is becoming exponentially present in all social and medical services as a resource for communication to assist patients and users in Spain. Healthcare services and institutions are developing resources to cope with the need of communication in regions with intense traffic of tourism and immigration such as the South of Spain. The training of professional interpreters must be attuned to the real needs of society to reach quality standards. Thus, a close collaboration of healthcare professionals, professional interpreters and interpreting companies with university students and researchers is crucial for a proper training of those students.
Location: Université de Montréal - Pavillon Lionel-Groulx 3150, rue Jean-Brillant C9019 Montréal H3T 1T3 QC Canada