Hund Metals: Strong Electronic Correlations Beyond the Mott Paradigm - Antoine Georges (Flatiron Institute)

Hund Metals: Strong Electronic Correlations Beyond the Mott Paradigm
Antoine Georges
Collège de France and
Center for Computational Quantum Physics, Flatiron Institute
Présentation en anglais
En présentiel à l'UdeM: Campus MIL, A-2543.
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Meeting ID: 879 7827 7849
Passcode: écrire en chiffre: Cinq Trois Trois Un
Abstract: Multi-band/multi-orbital materials such as transition-metal oxides, iron superconductors or twisted bilayer systems offer a fertile platform for exploring the physics of strong electronic correlations. In this context, the interplay of the Hubbard U with Hund’s rule and spin-orbit coupling, as well as orbital differentiation, lead to rich physics beyond the paradigmatic ‘Mottness’. In recent years, the concept of `Hund metals’ has emerged and has successfully explained the properties of iron superconductors and ruthenates. In this talk, I will focus especially on Sr2RuO4 – an amazing material which can serve as a precision laboratory for many-body physics. I will report on recent high-resolution ARPES experiments which allow to put Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (DMFT) framework to a direct test. I will review how DMFT provides a conceptual and computational framework to understand Hund metals.
Cette conférence est présentée par le RQMP.
Location: Campus MIL - Complexe des sciences 1375, avenue Thérèse-Lavoie-Roux A-2543 Montréal QC Canada