Spin-orbit driven physics in iridate materials – Young-June Kim, UofT

Young-June Kim, Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
An overview of spin-orbit driven magnetism in iridate materials will be given with the emphasis on experimental investigations using various X-ray spectroscopic methods. Unlike the first-row transition metal compounds, orbital angular momentum is not quenched for the Ir4+ ions in iridates. The spin-orbit coupling instead strongly couples spin and orbital moment, giving rise to the magnetism described with a total angular momentum J=1/2. What makes iridates unique is that the magnetic interaction between these J=1/2 moments can have different magnitude depending on the spatial bond direction, unlike the well-known Heisenberg interaction. On a honeycomb lattice, such bond-dependent interactions produce the so-called Kitaev model, which is drawing much attention from both the magnetism and quantum computing community. The ground state of the Kitaev model is a quantum spin liquid phase, which is an example of a topological order characterized by long-range quantum entanglement. Using x-ray absorption spectroscopy and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS), we illustrate the important role played by the spin-orbit coupling in a model honeycomb lattice iridate Na2IrO3.
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Cette conférence est présentée par le RQMP Versant Nord du Département de physique de l'Université de Montréal et le Département de génie physique de Polytechnique Montréal.
Location: Université de Montréal - Pavillon J.-Armand-Bombardier