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Vincent Montalt i Resurrecció (Universitat Jaume I) - Doing Research in Medical Genres for Translation Purposes

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Research in medical translation has traditionally focused on terminological equivalence. In more recent times, there has been a growing interest in other relevant aspects of text and context, such as register mismatches, rhetorical moves, modality, or formal conventions of specific genres. In particular genre-based approaches have given rise to a number of studies that address relevant issues both to medical writing and medical translation from the perspective of specific genres, such as patient information leaflets, informed consents, patents, original research articles, or patients guides. My purpose in this lecture is to provide an overview of some of the main issues and genres that can be investigated -and are indeed being investigated- in the field of medical translation and writing.

Location: Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, Université de Montréal 3150, rue Jean-Brillant C9019 - 9e étage Montréal H3T 1N8 Québec Canada